I don’t receive Push-Notifications (anymore)

Update to the latest version first

➡️ Test, if your device receives our push-notifications


  1. Navigate to your profile and switch to Account
  2. Choose Notifications, E-Mails and test if you can receive the test notifications
  3. If not, continue

➡️ 2. Reset the notification permission


  1. Open your device settings and search for EINFACH KICKEN

  2. Tap on Notifications and deactivate the checkbox

  3. Open EINFACH KICKEN, tap on the Push Notifications button on the matches screen and activate

    Open EINFACH KICKEN, tap on the Push Notifications button on the matches screen and activate

  4. Test, if it works!

🧑‍🚒 3. Still doesn’t work?


  1. Back to your systems settings

  2. Delete the app data and restart the app (you just have to sign in again and are ready).

Tried everything, but nothing helps?

Contact us via WhatsApp or per Mail. We’ll help you asap.

Runs? Have fun playing! ⚽️🤝